Sleep, child, on the earth which also does not sleep
sleepon the grass, the sand, the bed
sleep with the butterflies, the wave of the sea or the dimlights
which always sing, always slowly sing
Sleep, child, until the watchmen's knocking in the middle of the night
untul you awake and island by island will hear
that bombs that explode and divide the earth
cannot stop you singing "Di Timur Matahari"
(Terj. Jennifer Lindsay)
Tidurlah , bocah, di atas bumi yang tak jua tidur
tidurlah di atas rumput, di atas pasir, di atas ranjang
tidurlah bersama rama-rama, ombak laut atau lampu yang
Yang terus bernyanyi, terus menyanyi perlahan-lahan
Tidurlah, bocah, sampai ketukan di tengah malam
sampai engkau bangkit dan pulau demi pulau mendengarkan
bahwa bom yang pecah membagi bumi
tak bisa mencegah engkau menyanyi "Di Timur Matahari"